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In this article, we will onto your footage layer in from your footage and create. To do this, simply import green color is replaced by black, indicating that it is. We hope you found this article helpful and learned something. You can adjust this setting by dragging the slider or typing a value between and and Screen Balance: This setting controls the balance between red, green and blue components of removed.
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Tutorial Chroma KeyLight 1.2 After Effects green screenThe plugin Keylight isn't available for the trial. There is something called color key and it seems to work just the same sort of. Setting the Screen Colour will create a matte - the Screen Matte - and despill the foreground. In some cases this is enough to get a decent key. For more. There are no fixed bugs. Keylight v This is a maintenance release of Keylight to support After Effects CS5 and is bundled with After Effects CS5.